Many people in the world have gone through the devastation of losing a baby. If you've had one loss or 10, it doesn't get any easier. Around 25% of confirmed pregnancies end in miscarriages. That's 1 in 4 people. So why is it such a taboo subject?
I understand that a lot of people don't want to talk about it with others. And that's fair enough. But there's way too many people who want to speak about it and can't because of what other people might think. The truth is, more than likely the person you want to speak to about it has been in the same situation. They may even feel the same way!
Coping with a miscarriage is hard and draining, no matter when it happens. I had a chemical pregnancy (a positive test before period but then my period came) and an early miscarriage (loss before 12 weeks). Both were very hard times for me. The cp was hard for me to speak about. I didn't want to upset people by talking about it or for them to think I was crying 'wolf' and wasn't actually ever pregnant. It's sad that I had to think like that. Like I was alone. I couldn't even speak to my partner at the time (now ex) in fear he thought I was lying. I made a point when I had my early miscarriage that I wouldn't keep it inside of me. I felt better by letting people know about it. I had a great deal of support there but I also felt like everyone just reminded me of it with their sorry faces whenever I walked by. But I guess it was better than them saying "cheer up" or "jeez why are you so grumpy nowadays?"
I got a lot of "It wasn't meant to be" and "It was probably for the best" comments. FYI DO NOT SAY THIS TO SOMEONE WHO HAS JUST HAD A LOSS! It doesn't make us feel better. We loved the little beans more than anything and we hadn't even met them.
As women, we should be supporting each other and speaking out about it. You never know, if you speak out about it, someone going through the same thing may need your shoulder to cry on.
Allow yourself and your family time to grieve and don't feel like you need to keep it a secret.
I mention my losses as much as I can (where appropriate) because they were a big part of my life even just for a short time.
I hope you can speak up about any loss you have had and remember you are not alone.
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