Friday, 19 August 2016


Hey everyone!
Thanks so much for all the positive feedback on my last post! Loving all of the support!

So, anyone who knows me knows that I am NOT a morning person. Not even in the slightest. Anything before 10am is a no go. I've been pretty fortunate that Ruth sleeps until then or David gets up with her so I can sleep. I cannot function on anything less than about 12 hours.

But I'm going to try!!!

A couple of days ago, we got a puppy! (Separate post to come about that). He is part of my motivation to get up early. He got me up at 5.56am today! I was beginning to forget there was two 5 oclocks in a day to be honest. But then after he had a poop, a wee, and a drink, he went back to sleep. And so did I. Worst decision I could have made was going back to bed. He got back up at 8am and I felt a lot more tired at that time than I did the first time he woke up! Boo!

Below are some of the things I'm going to do in order to train myself to get up early - and stay up!

  • Set a bedtime. I rarely go to bed at he same time every night. Some nights it could be at 9pm and others 2am. 
  • Start a bedtime routine. I'm hoping that if I start a routine and do it every night before I go to bed, my body will realise that it's time for bed when I'm finished and it will be a lot easier for me to go to sleep.
  • Turn off electronics 1 hour before bed. Apparently the blue lights from electronics keeps you awake by mimicking the sun. That way our bodies don't produce the sleep hormone because it still thinks it's day time. I'm so bad for taking my phone into bed with me and browsing through all the social media apps I have for hours on end, then moan because I got a shitty sleep.
  • Stay on my feet longer. Although I try to exercise every day, I'm not an active person when it comes to not exercising. I would sit down for 5 hours, only getting up to pee. Sometimes longer. Hopefully if I'm doing more throughout the day, I'll be more tired.
  • No coffee or tea before 3pm. These are my weaknesses. Anything with caffeine actually. Especially at night time. Which obviously isn't doing me any favours at night time when I'm trying to wind down. I'm more like a bee. Buzzing.
  • Read a book. This is something I've been doing more recently. But I need to get into the habit of doing it every night to help me relax.

I seriously hope I can stick to these and get up early! I'm hoping to wake at around 7am no matter what I'm doing during the day. I'll be super impressed if it works hahaha! 

Do you have any particular routine or tip that really helps you to relax at night and get to sleep easily and wake up feeling refreshed rather than a zombie? Let me know in the comments below and I'll try them out for myself!


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