Sunday, 7 August 2016


Hey everyone!
So last night, I made the decision to go out on a girls night out...SOBER!
Let me tell you, when you're used to going out with my crazy friends and getting hammered with them, it is not easy being the only person without an alcoholic drink in their hand. The girls were constantly asking why I wasn't drinking and I actually felt really bad because my only excuse was that I have Ruth and Corey to look after.
But, I survived the night, going home slightly earlier than my curfew of 1.30am. I was so glad to get snuggled into my happy place - my bed.
Here are a few tips on how I survived my sober night out!

  1. Pre-nap. If you've got a partner in the house who can look after the kids for an hour or so, take full advantage and go to bed! You'll thank yourself when its 9pm and you're not yawning your head off yet.
  2. Caffeine. If your nap doesn't work as planned, or you just didn't manage to get to have one, stock up on caffeine! Red bull (or any energy drink) and a shit load of coffee is the way to go.
  3. Get your own drink. There's nothing worse than saying to your friend you'll have a coke, but they come back with a vodka and coke just to tempt you. Don't fall for it people! Get your coke yourself.
  4. Put lime in everything. Lime will bitter your red bull or coke up and it actually tricks your liver into thinking you're getting hammered - you just won't have the hangover the next day.
  5. Dance like a maniac. Just remember that nobody else apart from your group of friends knows that you're sober. So just make the most of your night and be crazy.
  6. Take plenty of photos. Not only is it a fun way to remember the memories you are making, but if your friends end up doing something silly and you caught it on camera, you can always use it against them. (In the nicest way possible of course)
  7. Remember to look after your friends. It may not have been your plan, but you are the only one that can make rational decisions. If your friend just so happens to shout 'BITCH' in someones face when they're absolutely steaming, I'm afraid it's up to you to settle the situation. It's almost like an unspoken rule that the sober one is the person to look after everyone else!

Hopefully these tips help you have a fantastic night on your next sober one! Let me know in the comments if you have any other tips and I'll be sure to try them out!


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